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Department of Industry and Trade is the specialized organization under Provincial People’s Committee and is responsible for providing advices and supporting the Provincial People’s Committee to perform the state management functions in industry and trade, including: mechanical, metallurgy, electricity, new energy, renewable energy, chemical, mine and mineral exploitation industry, consumer goods industry, food industry, other processing industries, good circulation in the province, import, export, border trade, market management, competitiveness management, trade promotion, monopoly control, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, consumer right protection, e-trade; commercial services, economic integration, management of industrial parks and complexes in the province, industry encouragement activities, industrial services under the state management authority of the Department.

Department of Industry and Trade has its own legal status, stamp and bank account and is under the direction and management in term of organization, personnel and tasks of Provincial People’s Committee; and under the professional direction, inspection and guidelines of Ministry of Industry and Trade.

History formed Department of Industry and Trade

The Department of Industry and Trade was established on April 7th, 2008 on the basis of merging the Department of Industry with the Department of Trade and Tourism in accordance with Decision No. 774 / QD-UBND dated March 31st, 2008 of Long An Provincial People's Committee.

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 13/2008 / ND-CP of February 4th, 2008, stipulating the organization of professional agencies under the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities and Joint Circular No. 07/2008 / TTLT-BCT-BNV dated May 28th, 2008 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade - Ministry of Home Affairs guided the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of specialized trade agencies under provincial and district People's Committees. Long An Provincial People's Committee stipulates the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department of Industry and Trade, including 07 specialized divisions, 01 branch and 02 Affiliated Centers under Decision 36/2008/QD-UBND dated 10th September 2008.

In the process of formation and development, on 11st/11/2011, the Department of Industry and Trade was assigned by the Provincial People's Committee the task of state management on e-commerce and information technology application in Long An province establish the Department of E-Commerce and Information Technology under the Department under the Decision No. 44/2011 / QD-UBND.

After the Decree No. 55/2011/ ND-CP dated July 4th, 2011 of the Government took effect, Long An Provincial People's Committee issued a Plan to organize the implementation of Decree No. 55/2011/ND -CP regulates functions, duties, powers and organizational apparatus of legal institutions in Long An province (together with Decision No. 2916/QD-UBND dated September 19th, 2011) including the Department Industry and Trade; at the same time re-regulate the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department of Industry and Trade (Decision No. 41/2012/QD-UBND dated August 7th, 2012) including 09 rooms and 03 subordinate units. Accordingly, there are 08 operational rooms including: Office, Inspector, Planning-Finance, Industrial Management, Commercial Management, Energy Management, Environmental-Safety Engineering, E-Commerce and Information Technology; Particularly, the Legal Department has not operated independently, however, the legal task is assigned to the Inspector.

 On January 11st, 2016, the Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 02/2016/QD-UBND regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department of Industry and Trade; thereby dissolving the E-Commerce and Information Technology Department, replacing it with the Import-Export Management Department.

However, currently implementing Project 02-DA/TU, Department of Industry and Trade has streamlined the apparatus, currently has 6 rooms: Department Office, Department of Inspectorate, Planning - Finance Department - General, Management Department industry, Energy Management Department and Trade Management Division. The unit under the Department only has the Industrial Promotion Center and Industrial Development Consultant. The Market Management Branch upgraded to the Market Management Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The Trade Promotion Center merged with the Investment Promotion Center and Enterprise Support Center, the Center for Trade Promotion to become the Center for Investment Promotion and Support under the Department of Planning and Investment.

Currently, the Department of Industry and Trade is rebuilding the functions, tasks and organizational structure of the Department of Industry and Trade to submit to the Provincial People's Committee for approval.


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