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Department of Industry and Trade of Long An Province

Address: 112, Cach Mang Thang Tam Street, Ward 1, Tan An City, Long An Province
Tel: 0723.826.336   
Fax: 0723.826.956 

I. Board of Directors of the Department: 

Director:Nguyễn Tuấn Thanh
Cellphone: 0907989249


Deputy Director:Dương Văn Hoàng Hoanh
Tel: 0723.827.102
Cellphone: 0913.767.702

Deputy Director:Châu Thị Lệ

Deputy Director:Ngô Văn Lê

II. Divisions and units under the Department:

1. Office 
Office Manager: Phạm Văn Phong
Tel: 02723.567.367
Cellphone: 0902.708.393

1.1. Function

The Office is a unit of the Department, which has the function of advising the Director on a number of aspects, including: personnel organization; administrative reform and information technology application; emulation and reward work; accounting work and administrative administration.

1.2. Mission

Advise the Director of the Department to perform the following tasks:

Personnel organization:

To draft a regulation defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department of Industry and Trade;

To formulate, amend, supplement and promulgate regulations on organizational structure: Arranging, planning, promotion, appointment, dismissal, mobilization, rotation and recruitment of public servants according to the approved payroll;

Develop staffing plan; The annual plan on training, fostering and employment of public servants and employees; The organizational structure, the position of employment, the payroll and the number of employees, the structure of employees according to their professional titles in the public service delivery units under the Department; To implement the wage regime and policies, treatment regimes, training, fostering, evaluation, commendation, salary raising and disciplining of public servants and contractual laborers under its management. Department in accordance with the law; To handle officials, employees and laborers of the Departments going abroad according to regulations;

To declare assets and income of the Department's staffs, publicize and keep asset and income declaration sheets according to the regime of management of civil servants' records. Make records and archive and manage records of civil servants, contract laborers in the Department;

To mobilize emulation movements, develop implementation plans, guide, inspect and report the results of the emulation and commendation work of the Office and its subordinate units.

b) Legal work

To synthesize and elaborate programs on promulgation of legal documents related to the branch; coordinating law dissemination and education;

Assume and coordinate with concerned units assisting the Director in: reviewing the systematization of legal documents; inspection and processing of legal documents; monitoring the implementation of law and inspecting the implementation of law within the branch; the compensation work of the State in accordance with the law. Review of administrative documents issued by the Department.

c) Administrative reforms

Developing, guiding the implementation, checking, evaluating, reporting the results of implementation of the plan of administrative reform of the Department;

To assume and coordinate with specialized sections in reviewing, amending, supplementing or building administrative procedures falling under the settling competence of the Department and submitting them to provincial People's Committees for publication according to regulations. Collaborate with the Center for Public Administration Services to publicize administrative procedures. Receiving and settling citizens' petitions on administrative procedures.

To act as a focal point for receiving and answering the settlement of administrative procedures with the Center for Public Administrative Service.

d / Accounting work

To organize the accounting work of the Department according to the provisions of law; to manage the financial revenues and expenditures and the use of funds according to current law provisions; estimation of operational budget and annual financial statement as prescribed;

To manage the assets of the agency, to formulate and implement plans on the purchase, maintenance and repair of assets, means and equipment in service of the operation of the Department; inventory of assets annually according to regulations; To monitor the increase or decrease of assets, the practice of thrift and waste combat by the Department according to regulations.

đ) Administrative work

Develop and implement the regulations of the Department;

Schedule weekly work; mobilizing vehicles and arranging means for working missions of the Department; organizing the civilized lifestyle in the office; to serve meetings and conferences organized by agencies; implement security and defense, protect the safety of assets;

Organizing the management of clerical work in accordance with current regulations; to receive, register, classify, handle and monitor the processing of incoming documents; examine the procedures, techniques for presentation and issuance of documents of the Department. To manage, use the seal of the Department; record the dossiers and documents of the Department according to current regulations.

e) Implementing the democratic regulations and public administration

Implement the democratic regulations and public administration; to advise on the organization and operation of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the democracy and good people's committees of the Department. To assume and coordinate with the trade unions in organizing annual conferences on civil servants, employees and laborers according to regulations.

g) Other work

Lead the implementation, maintenance and improvement of quality management system according to TCVN ISO 9001: 2008 standards in the department;

Implement the application and development of information technology for the Department's activities. Monitoring and Managing Email Boxes and Software: Managing Documents and Operations; management of civil servants; electronic door. Coordinate with the Website Editorial Board to manage and maintain the website of the Department;

To perform the state management on youth; gender equality; protection of state secrets and internal politics; the work related to the ethics of public servants of civil servants, employees and laborers;

To implement the regime of reporting contents under the functions and tasks of the Office according to regulations and requirements of the higher level;

Perform other duties as assigned by the Director.

2. Inspection
Deputy Chief inspector: Nguyễn Thanh Vũ
Tel: 0723.832.731

2.1. Function

Inspectors are agencies under the Department of Industry and Trade, assist the Director of the Department to carry out administrative inspection, specialized inspection; settle complaints and denunciations, receive citizens and prevent corruption in accordance with the law.

The Department Inspectorate has its own seal and account.

2.2. Tasks and powers

Advise the Director of the Department to perform the following tasks:

Develop an inspection plan and submit it to the Director of the Department for approval; Organizing the implementation of the inspection plan under the responsibility of the Department's Inspection; to guide, monitor, urge the implementation of the inspection plan by the agency assigned to perform the function of specialized inspection of the Department.

Inspecting the implementation of policies and laws and the tasks and powers of agencies, organizations and individuals under the direct management of the Department.

Inspecting the observance of specialized laws, professional and technical regulations, branch and domain management rules of agencies, organizations and individuals under its management.

To check the accuracy and legality of the inspection conclusions and post-inspection handling decisions of the heads of the assigned agencies performing the specialized inspection of the Department for cases in the branches or domains under their management when necessary.

To perform the task of settling complaints and denunciations according to the provisions of the legislation on complaints and denunciations; the task of preventing and fighting corruption is prescribed by the law on corruption prevention and fighting.

- To monitor, inspect and urge the implementation of inspection conclusions, proposals and handling decisions; Decisions on the settlement of complaints, conclusions on denunciations, decisions on handling or petitions on denunciations.

- Synthesize and report results on inspection work; to settle complaints and denunciations, receive citizens and prevent and combat corruption within the scope of its management with the provincial inspectorates and concerned agencies.

- Guiding, examining and inspecting agencies and units under the Department in implementing the law on inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations, reception of citizens and prevention of corruption.

- To chair the inter-branch inspection delegation or join the inter-branch inspection teams.

- Perform other duties as assigned by the Director.

3. Division of Planning - Finance - General

Manager: Đặng Thị Bé Chính
Tel: 0723.826.956
Cellphone: 0989.756.648

3.1. Function

Planning - Finance - General Department is a specialized section of the Department, which functions to advise and synthesize, to formulate strategies, plannings, plans, programs and schemes on development of the industry (referred collectively to as plannings, plan); to carry out financial management under state budget allocations for regular activities of the branch, programs, plannings, schemes and investment projects in the industry and trade; state management of import-export management and international economic integration.

3.2. Mission

Advise the Director of the Department to perform the following tasks:

a) Planning - General work

To formulate long-term, five-year and annual plans and policies as well as guidelines, policies, programs, measures and specific regulations on developing industry and trade in the province in line with the developing of society and economy;

To coordinate with specialized sections and units to guide and inspect the implementation of policies, plannings, plans, schemes, programs and regulations on trade and industry development after they are approved; to coordinate in organizing the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review of the implementation of the industry and trade plan;

To formulate tasks and orientations for annual and 6-month, quarterly and annual development plans and monitor and urge the implementation thereof. To carry out information work, synthesize and report periodically and irregularly on the performance of tasks, programs, plans and schemes on development of the sector according to regulations;

To perform tasks of grassroots appraisal councils for national industrial extension schemes and programs, local industrial promotion and trade promotion programs and submit them to provincial People's Committees and the Ministry of Industry and Trade for consideration and approval;

To perform the task of the Steering Committee for the Investment Program on New Rural Construction and Development.

b) Financial management of the sector

To perform the financial management function of administrative units and dependent non-business units, including: Managing administrative and non-business funds; promotion, promotion and other targeted programs of the Department;

To make annual budget estimates and allocate and assign budget revenue and expenditure estimates to attached units according to the prescribed norms, based on the functions and tasks assigned to the upper level; to monitor and inspect the management and use of state budget and assets for attached units;

To perform the financial management of projects and works of capital construction of the branches assigned to act as investors; to ensure compliance with the prescribed order and procedures;

To guide, inspect and supervise the implementation of state budget estimates and the regime of management and use of public assets according to the provisions of law. To propose measures to improve the financial management of the sector according to regulations;

To coordinate with the higher finance agency to verify and approve financial statements of affiliated units. To synthesize data on the financial settlement reports of the branch according to the current regulations on accounting;

c) The management of import and export

To organize the implementation of mechanisms, policies, plans, programs and schemes for development and export of goods; develop export and import services in the province (not including import and export border trade); management of rice export business.

To monitor the situation of goods export and import activities of domestic enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises and traders without presence in Vietnam.

d) International economic integration

To carry out the task of elaborating the work plan and program of the provincial Steering Committee for International Integration and monitor the progress of the periodical report according to regulations;

To assume and coordinate with the concerned agencies in propagating, disseminating and guiding the implementation of plans, programs and regulations on international economic integration of the province.

e) Other tasks

To assume and coordinate with specialized sections in, grasping the operation situation and providing professional guidance to the Economic Section, the Economic and Infrastructure Division of districts, towns and cities in the field of industry and trade;

Perform other tasks and tasks assigned by the Director.

4. Division of Trade Management
Manager: Nguyễn Duy Phong
Tel: 0723.821.411
Cellphone: 0987706625

4.1. Function

The Division of Trade Management is a specialized section of the Department which is responsible for developing planning, plans and mechanisms and policies for the development of the sector in the field of trade; management of domestic trade activities; managing border trade; e-commerce management; competition management, monopoly control, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy; protect the interests of consumers in the province.

4.2. Mission

Advise the Director to carry out the following tasks:

a) On domestic trade

To exercise the state management over multi-level sale activities; franchising; competition management, monopoly control, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy; managing activities of the Association of Consumer Protection of Long An Province;

To manage and license goods subject to conditional business, items subject to business restriction according to the provisions of law and the management decentralization of the Ministry of Industry and Trade; managing and licensing the establishment of representative offices of foreign traders;

To organize the implementation of the planning, plans, mechanisms and policies for management of wholesale and retail commercial infrastructure networks, including: marketplaces, trade centers, supermarkets, systems of shops, commercial cooperatives, commercial services; the system of commercial agents, franchisees, logistics centers, commodities trading in other forms in accordance with law and other types of commercial infrastructure;

To assume and coordinate with the concerned agencies in guiding and organizing the implementation of mechanisms and policies to encourage the expansion of the business network, the development of goods circulation organizations, the formation of goods channels which are stable from production to consumption in the province;

Organizing activities regulating the circulation of goods, ensuring the balance of supply and demand of essential commodities, ensuring food quality and safety, stabilizing and promoting the domestic market to develop;

To monitor and urge the performance of the State management over the consumption of local products and goods;

Compiling and processing market information in the province on the total flow of goods, the total supply and demand, the level of circulation reserve and the fluctuation of prices of essential goods. Proposing to competent authorities measures to regulate goods circulation in each period.

b) On border trade

Organizing the implementation of policies on development of border trade in the province; to guide and supervise the implementation of regulations on modes of purchase, sale, exchange of goods and border trading in the province; to guide and inspect the implementation of regulations on food safety management for commercial business establishments and cross-border commodities according to the provisions of law;

To monitor the operation of border-gate economic zones; border-gate management boards; to propose amendments, supplements policies and measures to boost border trade to suit the reality in the province.

e) E-commerce

To advise on the development and implementation of e-commerce mechanisms, policies, schemes, programs and plans for the development of e-commerce application infrastructure and the development of human resources for managing e-commerce, support organizations and individuals applying e-commerce in the province; to carry out other state management contents on e-commerce in accordance with the provisions of law and decentralization of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;

d) On trade promotion

Organizing the implementation of trade promotion programs, plans and schemes in order to step up the development of the domestic market and export and support enterprises in the provinces in building and developing their trademarks; Lead the implementation of the campaign "Vietnamese priority for using Vietnamese goods" in industry and trade;

To organize, inspect and supervise the registration of trade fairs and/or sales promotion for traders.

e) Other duties

To manage and operate the website of the Department;

To report the contents of the functions and tasks of the rooms according to the regulations and requirements of their superiors;

Perform other duties as assigned by the Director.

5. Division of Energy Management 
Manager: Nguyễn Tấn Bửu Trân
Tel: 0723.832.066

6.1. Function

The Division of Energy Management is the specialized department of the Department, advising the Director of the Department to perform the function of state management on electricity activities and other energy use in the province.

6.2. Mission

Advise the Director of the Department to perform the following tasks:

a) State management of electricity, new energy, renewable energy, economical and efficient use of energy

To formulate and organize the implementation of the plannings and plans on electricity development and development of the application of new energy and renewable energy; monitor and inspect the implementation of electricity development planning in the province; to advise the director on the decision to stop or reduce the electricity supply level for organizations and individuals committing acts of administrative violation in the electricity domain;

To monitor the granting, withdrawal and extension of electricity activity licenses in the fields of activity: construction investment consultancy; power generation; distribution and retail of electricity in rural areas as assigned by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and authorized by the provincial People's Committee; coordinate with competent state agencies to supervise and inspect the situation of electricity supply and use in the province according to the provisions of law;

To perform the task of state management over economical and efficient use of energy; to assume and coordinate with concerned agencies in, energy conservation activities; to urge and inspect the implementation of thrifty and efficient use of energy by production establishments in the province;

Organizing and implementing regulations on protection of safety corridors of high-voltage power grids; to guide and inspect the safe use of electricity among the people. Organizing training courses on legal knowledge on electricity activities and using electricity for power units in the province. To organize the implementation of electricity price plans according to the State's regulations.

Other duties

Summarize reports on the performance of the duties of the department according to regulations and requirements of the higher level;

Perform other duties as assigned by the Director.

6. Industriel Management Division

Management: Võ Trường Minh
Tel: 0723.832099
Cellphone: 0988388113

6.1. Function

The Division of Industrial Management is the specialized department of the Department, advising the Director of the Department on the state management of industry, cottage industries, industrial clusters and industrial promotion in the province. Guide and inspect activities of associations in the industrial field in the province.

6.2. Mission

Advise the Director of the Department to perform the following tasks:

a) Management of industrial clusters

To advise on the state management of industrial clusters in the province according to regulations;

To assume for elaborating plannings, plans, proposing mechanisms and policies for development of industrial clusters, regulations on coordination on industrial cluster management and organizing the implementation thereof after being approved by the provincial People's Committees;

To implement preferential mechanisms and policies, attract investment, build technical infrastructure, clear ground, relocate production establishments and build new industrial clusters in the province;

Appraising dossiers for establishment or expansion of industrial clusters or centers for development of industrial clusters; to guide and implement investment projects on construction of technical infrastructure, production and business in the industrial complex; propose solutions to problems arising in industrial clusters. To register the land use demands of industrial clusters in each period.

Provide comments on the basic design of investment projects on the construction of industrial clusters and investment projects on the construction of works in industrial clusters according to regulations;

To monitor, inspect, evaluate and synthesize, report on the situation of planning, investment in infrastructure construction and operation of industrial clusters in the province. Construction of industrial cluster database.

b) On industry - cottage industry

To propose the planning on development of industries, cottage industries and handicrafts, branch plannings and implementation of approved plannings.

To assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned agencies in organizing the implementation of programs, schemes, mechanisms, policies and plans on development of industrial and small-scale industry and rural industry enterprises.

To monitor the production of industry and handicrafts.

c) Supporting industries

To formulate, organize the implementation of the planning, regulations, mechanisms and policies for the development of supporting industries in the province.

d) Industrial promotion

To advise on the performance of the task of state management about industrial extension activities; To monitor the implementation of programs, plans and schemes on industrial promotion, which are funded by the national industrial promotion funding sources and local industrial promotion funds;

e) Other tasks

To coordinate with functional agencies in inspecting, examining, supervising and evaluating activities of enterprises and industrial clusters in their respective localities within their assigned powers;

Evaluating the design of construction investment projects, quality of works in the industry and trade sector in the province as decentralized;

To implement the reporting regime as prescribed and perform other tasks assigned by the Director.

6.3. Function

The Division of Technical and Environmental Safety is a specialized office under the Department, which is responsible for chemicals; industry explode materials; mining and processing of minerals (except for minerals used for construction materials and cement production); oil and gas; food safety; cigarette; inorganic fertilizers; machines and equipment with strict requirements on technical safety and environmental protection; manage and implement public services in assigned areas in accordance with the law.

6.4. Mission

Advise the Director to carry out the following tasks:

a) Regarding the mining and processing of minerals (except for minerals used as construction materials and cement)

To assume and coordinate with the concerned branches in organizing the implementation of the planning on exploration, mining, processing and use of assorted minerals, after being approved according to its competence; to guide and inspect the observance of regulations, economic-technical norms, technologies, hygiene and safety; verifying the technical design of exploiting and exploiting mineral exploitation and processing in the province.

b) On the management of chemicals, industrial explosive materials, inorganic fertilizers, liquefied petroleum gas and machinery and equipment subject to stringent requirements on technical safety and environmental protection

To organize the implementation of the planning, plans and policies for the development of the chemical industry, industrial explosive materials and assorted machines and equipment with strict requirements on technical safety in the province;

To assume and coordinate with the concerned provincial agencies in inspecting and handling violations of the legislation on management, use, preservation, trading and transportation of chemicals, industrial explosive materials liquefied gas and other types of machinery and equipment with strict requirements on technical safety as prescribed by law;

Implement the management of environmental protection in the field of industry and trade according to the provisions of law; to organize the implementation of the planning and policies for development of the environmental industry.

c) Food safety

Acting as a consultant to implement state management on food safety of industry and trade in the province;

To guide and inspect the implementation of food safety from the stage of production, processing, preservation, transportation and trading of other types of liquors, beers, processed dairy products, products processed from flour, starch, cake, jam, candy, packaging and other products, food safety for markets, supermarkets and facilities under the stockpiling and distribution system. The food under the management of the Department.

d) Other duties

To give comments on the evaluation of investment projects on industrial production; environmental impact assessment report; technology appraisal; projects on development of industry and trade; projects on mineral exploitation; projects on environmental protection, ...

Make periodical and unscheduled reports at the request of the higher level for the assigned fields.

Perform other duties as assigned by the Director.

III. Units under Department

1. Center for Industry Encouragement and Trade Promotion

Address: No. 5, Nguyen Hue Street, Ward 1, Tan An City, Long An
Bank account: 10201-000067063-0 at Bank for Industry and Trade of Long An, Tan An City Transaction Office, Long An Province
Tel: 0722.210.444
Fax: 0723.521.969

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