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Accompanying businesses and employees
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Since the end of 2022, due to the influence of global supply chain, many enterprises in processing wood, textiles, footwear, electronics, mechanics,etc in the province have had shortages and cut orders, resulting in many employees having their working hours reduced, labor contracts suspended or terminated, affecting their income and life. Facing that situation, trade unions at all levels actively monitor and grasp the situation of production, business and use of labor of enterprises to take timely support measures.

Grasping the situation of labor

After the Lunar New Year of the Cat 2023, the Labor Confederation of Long An Province established a delegation to visit and encourage businesses and workers to grasp difficulties in production, labor system at enterprises as well as the life and work of employees and the activities of the grassroots trade unions. Accordingly, from February 7 to 10, 2023, the delegation of the Provincial Labor Confederation visited 20 enterprises in the province, mainly enterprises that have been lacking orders, leading to reduced working hours and termination of labor contracts with employees.

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The delegation of the Provincial Labor Confederation visited the factory to visit and encourage workers

At the meetings, the Provincial Labor Confederation's delegation surveyed the production and business situation of enterprises and the activities of trade unions in the past time as well as their orientation in the coming time; at the same time, listened to the suggestions and recommendations of enterprises and trade unions.

One of the enterprises that the delegation visited was Dong Quang Textile Joint Stock Company (Hai Son Industrial Park, Duc Hoa District). Before Tet, the company faced many difficulties due to lack of orders, so that the factory had to stop production for a while. Chairman of the Trade Union of Dong Quang Textile Joint Stock Company - Nguyen Tuan Dung said: "Thanks to the company's good implementation of policies to care for and support employees over the years, and the companionship of all levels of trade unions and workers, they persisted in staying together until the company overcame difficulties.

Since the beginning of 2023, the company gradually recovered when there were new orders, production and business situation are becoming stable. However, the company hopes that the trade unions at all levels will continue to pay more attention to and care for the workers' lives, especially those whose income were affected, to help them overcome the immediate difficulties and feel secure to stick with the company for a long time. Currently, the Company's Board of Directors is trying to find more orders to maintain stable production, create jobs and income for employees."

In addition, businesses recommended the province to have a policy to support bank loans with preferential interest rates, to help businesses pay workers' wages as well as restore production; reflected the situation of long-term employees applying for leave to withdraw one-time social insurance, affecting production activities at enterprise;etc.

Grasping the common difficulties of enterprises, the situation of labor relations and the recommendations of enterprises and trade unions, Chairman of the Provincial Labor Confederation - Nguyen Van Qui noted, thereby synthesizing reports to the Provincial Party Committee and proposing solutions to timely remove difficulties for businesses and employees.

Supporting workers

Facing the situation of many businesses in the province reduced orders, leading to workers losing their jobs or reducing working hours, the provincial Labor Confederation and trade unions quickly stepped in to support. Accordingly, the provincial Labor Confederation and trade unions at all levels actively participate in, dialogue and negotiate with the employer to develop a labor plan, minimizing the termination or suspension of the labor contract. For enterprises forced to terminate the labor contract, the trade union with the support of the superior trade union has commented on the enterprise's labor plan; to ensure payment of job loss or job severance regimes in accordance with the provisions of law and the enterprise, the signed collective labor agreement.

From the province's Covid-19 Prevention and Control Fund, up to now, the provincial Labor Confederation has supported 1,640 employees who lost their jobs at the rate of 1 million VND/person, and supported 1,173 employees whose working hours have been reduced at the rate of 500,000 VND/person. In particular, the Provincial Confederation of Labor is focusing on implementing Decision No. 6696, dated January 16, 2023 of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, promulgating Regulations on the implementation of policies to support trade union members, employees having their working hours reduced or their labor contracts terminated due to the company cutting or reducing orders.

According to Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial Labor Confederation - Le Thi Thu Cuc, the Provincial Labor Confederation and trade unions are still trying their best to support businesses in needs of recruiting workers, introducing and finding new jobs for those who have lost their jobs; supervise and monitor the reduction of working hours, labor, salary debt, social insurance debt at enterprises in order to have timely support solutions; support enterprises to follow the correct order and procedures on regimes and policies for employees; etc.

Thanks to the companionship of the provincial Labor Confederation and all levels of trade unions, enterprises and employees have a momentum to overcome difficulties, especially workers who have lost their jobs or reduced working hours, to be promptly supported./.


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