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Long An is prioritizing attracting 4 logistics projects with nearly 222 hectares
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Long An province is paying attention to promoting the development of logistics services into an important economic sector.


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Long An International Port is promoting links to develop logistics services with export and import businesses

Among the project lists that Long An province prioritizes to attract investment in the period to 2025, there are 4 projects in the logistics field.

Accordingly, the 4 projects include: Warehouse and Logistics Service Center located in Luong Hoa commune, Ben Luc district (50 hectares); project in Phuoc Vinh Dong commune, Can Giuoc district (71.2 hectares); project in Hiep Thanh commune, Chau Thanh district (25.7ha) and project in Phuoc Tuy commune, Can Duoc district (75 hectares).

Projects aim to create motivation to promote socio-economic development, especially developing domestic trade and export, import, supply and distribution of goods and services to meet and satisfy demand. consumption.

These projects all have a 50-year operating period and are consistent with provincial planning, construction and land use planning.

Long An has an important strategic location, the gateway between the Mekong Delta and the Southeast Region, bordering Cambodia. For many years, the province has played the role of gateway on the economic - urban - industrial corridor of the Eastern Mekong Delta Region, closely connected with Ho Chi Minh City and the Southeast Region, a trade hub. important cooperation with Cambodia for rapid and sustainable socio-economic development.

With the advantage of location and important role in economic development in the region, Long An is focused on investing in a logistics center system.

Currently, the province has Long An International Port (Can Giuoc district) that is being exploited to meet the needs of importing and exporting goods to serve the production and business activities of businesses in the area.

Currently, the province is interested in planning and promoting investment attraction in logistics centers. Thereby, promoting economic exchanges, connections, and goods transportation between Long An and provinces and cities in the Southeast Region and the Mekong Delta.

The development of logistics will contribute to promoting the improvement of transportation infrastructure, shortening travel time, reducing transportation costs, increasing competitive strength and the ability to attract investment in Long's industry. An in general and the Mekong Delta in particular./.



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