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1. Submitting to the Long An People's Committee:

a) The annual, 5-year or long-term draft plans and projects; the guidelines, policies, programs, measures and regulations on developing the industry and trade sector in the local area.

b) The draft decisions and instructions issued under the authority of the People's Committee in the industry and trade sector.

c) The draft regulation on the functions, rights, duties and organization structure of Market Management Branch in accordance with the regulations of the Government, instructions of Ministry of Industry and Trade and other authorized state organizations.

d) The draft regulations on the title standards for the heads and deputy heads of the agencies under the authority of Department of Industry and Trade; the draft regulations on the title standards for the leaders in charge of industry and trade of the Infrastructure Economic  Divisions of the District People's Committees or Economic Division of Tan An People's Committees.

2. Submitting to the chairperson of the Long An People's Committee

a) The draft decisions on the establishment, merger and dissolution of the agencies under the authority of Department of Industry and Trade prescribed by law.

b) The draft decisions and instructions issued under the authority of Chairman of the city People's Committee in industry and trade sector.

3. The legal work

a) Guiding, instructing, and supervising the implementation of legal documents, policies, planning, projects, programs and regulations on developing the industry and trade sector after they are approved.

b) Constructing and advising the Long An People's Committee issuing the legal documents; review and systemize the legal documents; examining and handling of the legal documents; monitoring the implementation of legislation and examining the implementation of the law; State compensation; legal support to enterprises; advising legal issues and joining legal proceedings; organizing the implementation about legal communication information, dissemination and education under the department's jurisdiction.

4. Assisting the Long An People's Committee in the assessment of the basic design of the investment projects on developing the industry and trade sector in the local area; the assessment, issuance, amendment, supplementation, extension and revocation of the licenses under the responsibility of Department of Industry and Trade in accordance with the regulations of law and the assignment of the Long An People's Committee.

5. Industry and handicraft:

a) Engineering and metallurgy: 

Implementing the planning, projects and policies on developing the engineering and metallurgy sector, engineering and electro-mechanical products, hi-tech products combining engineering technique, automation and industrial electronics in the local area.

b) Electricity and energy:

-  Implementing the projects and plans on developing the electric energy and the application of new energy and renewable energy in the local area;

- Organizing training courses on legal knowledge of electricity activities and electricity use for the electricity organizations in the local area; training the professional knowledge of the electricity safety for the technical staffs of rural electricity management organizations;

- Implementing the electricity pricing plan in the local area after being approved by the competent authorities;

- Coordinating with the competent state organizations in the specialized inspection according to the law.

c) Chemicals, industrial explosives and machinery or equipment with strict requirements on technical safety: 

- Implementing the policies, projects and plans on developing the sectors of chemicals, industrial explosives and machinery or equipment with strict requirements in the local area;

- Coordinating with local relevant organizations in inspecting and handling the law violations on the management, use, storage and transportation of chemicals, industrial explosives, liquefied petroleum gas and machinery or equipment with strict requirements on technical safety according to the law.

d) Mining and mineral processing industry (except for minerals used as construction materials and used for cement production): 

- Implementing the planning of the mineral exploration, exploitation and processing in the local area after being approved by the competent authorities;

- Implementing the projects, plans and policies on developing the mining and mineral processing sector in the local area; inspecting the implementation of measures for environmental protection, safety regulations in the mining and mineral processing in the local area.

e) Consumer goods industry, food industry and other processing industries:

Implementing the projects, plans and policies on developing these sectors after being approved, including: textile, footwear, paper, porcelain, glass, plastic, beer, wine, beverages, tobacco, candy, milk, vegetable oil, flour and starch;

- Guiding and supervising the application of the standards of quality, environmental and food hygienic safety from production to circulation under the jurisdiction of Department of Industry and Trade.

f) Industry promotion: 

- Implementing the programs, plans and projects on industry promotion in the local area including activities funded by the national industry promotion funds and the local industry promotion funds;

- Organizing training courses on capacity building in organizing the industry promotion activities for staffs working in the industry promotion sector.

g) Industrial clusters management: 

Chairing and coordinating with relevant organizations in the implementation of programs, projects, plans, mechanism and policies on developing the small and medium size enterprises, the collective economic organizations in the local area (including rural craft villages, cooperatives relating to industry and trade sector); ratifying the regulations of these organizations;

- Implementing the preferential mechanism and policies on investment attraction, export and import, tax, finance, labor, infrastructure construction, land clearance, new industrial clusters construction in the local area after being approved.

6. Trade:

a) Domestic trade: 

- Implementing the projects, plans, mechanism and policies on developing the wholesale and retail trade infrastructure network, including: markets, commercial centers, supermarkets, stores, trade cooperatives, trade services; commercial agencies, franchising network and other types of trade infrastructure;

- Chairing and coordinating with relevant organizations in guiding and implementing the mechanism and policies on encouraging the expansion of the business network, establishing and developing the stable channels of goods circulation from production to consumption in the local area;

- Implementing the preferential policies and mechanism in order to encourage and support people in mountainous and remote areas in production and living (such as providing the essential goods, supporting the circulation of trade services and goods, etc);

- Collecting and processing the market information on the total flow of goods, total supply and demand, goods reserves, and the fluctuations in price of essential commodities, the policies for people in mountainous and remote areas. Proposing the measures for regulating the circulation of commodities in each period to the competent authorities.

b) Export and import:

-  Implementing the policies, plans, programs and projects on developing and encouraging commodity export; developing export and import services in the local area.

- Managing the commodity export and import of domestic and FDI enterprises or foreign enterprises which have no representative in Viet Nam.

c)  Border Trade: 

- Implementing the policies on developing border trade, including: trade under quota, quota trading and cross-border trade of business men on the local area.

- Coordinating with relevant agencies to review the working situation of the border gate economic zones; proposing amendments and supplement policy measures to promote border trade which is suitable to the reality in the local area.

d) E- commerce:

- Chairing and coordinating with relevant organizations in building the infrastructure of e-commerce applications in the local area;

- Implementing the policies, plans and programs to train and develop the human resources for the management of e-commerce activities in the local area.

e) Trade promotion:

 Implementing the trade promotion plans, projects and programs to encourage the export, support local enterprises in building and developing the Viet Nam commodity brands;

- Executing and supervising the registration of trade fairs and exhibitions organizing and the promotion of goods.

f)  Market management:

-  Implementing the work of market management in the local area according to the regulations of the Government, instructions of Ministry of Industry and Trade and other competent state management organizations.

- Guiding and supervising the law enforcement in the industry and trade sector of organizations and individuals doing business in the local area; conducting the specialized inspection under the provisions of law.

- Chairing and coordinating with relevant organizations to fight against smuggling, trafficking of smuggled goods and prohibited goods, production and trafficking of counterfeit goods, poor quality goods, goods violating the regulations on intellectual property; struggling against the acts of speculation, market manipulation and commercial fraud of individuals and organizations doing business in the local area.

g) Competition, antitrust, antidumping, anti-subsidy and consumer protection:

- Guiding and implementing the provisions of law on competition, antitrust, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, consumer protection and ensuring a fair competition environment in the local area. Proposing the amendment of issued regulations and documents inconsistent with the competition law to the relevant organizations.

- Having the right to request relevant organizations and individuals to provide information and documents necessary for the performance of assigned duties prescribed by law on competition, antitrust, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and consumer protection.

- Collecting and setting up the database to manage and provide the information on enterprises at dominant position in the market, monopoly enterprises, competition rules in the associations and the exemptions.

h)  Economic integration: 

- Implementing the plans, programs and specific measures on economic integration, international trade in the local area after being approved;

- Chairing and coordinating with relevant organizations in disseminating and guiding the implementation of the plans, programs and regulations on economic integration and international trade in the local area.

7. Assisting the Long An People's Committee in the state management of enterprises and organizations in the collective and private economy sector; guiding and supervising the activities of local associations and non-governmental organizations in the industry and trade sector in accordance with the law.

8. Guiding and supervising the application of autonomy and self-responsibity mechanism of professional organizations under the authority of Industry and Trade Department and in accordance with the law.

9. Promoting the international cooperation in the field of industry and trade in accordance with the law and the decentralization of the Long An People's Committee.

10. Giving professional advice and guidance on the field of industry and trade to the Infrastructure Economic Divisions of the District People's Committees or Economic Division of Tan An People's Committees.

11. Implementing the research plans and applying the scientific and technological progress in the field of industry and trade under the jurisdiction of Department  of Industry and Trade; guiding the application of economic and technical standards, guidelines and norms; setting up the information storage systems and providing data on industry and trade in accordance with the law.

12. Doing the administration reform of Industry and Trade Department in accordance with the objectives and contents of the administration reform program of the Long An People's Committee.

13. Inspecting, testing and handling the violations, settling complaints and denunciation; preventing and struggling against the corruption; doing saving, fighting against waste in the field of industry and trade according to the law and the assignment the Long An People's Committee.

14. Implementing the public services in the field of industry and trade under the jurisdiction of Industry and Trade Department and in accordance with the law.

15. Stipulating the functions, rights, duties, organization structure and working relationship of the organizations directly under the authority of Industry and Trade Department; managing the regular staffs, implementing the salary policies, the treatment, training, reward and discipline regime for the officials under the jurisdiction of Industry and Trade Department in accordance with the law and the decentralization of the Long An People's Committee.

16. Managing the finance and asset and distributing the budget in accordance with the law and the decentralization of the city People's Committee.

17. Doing information supply, periodic and extraordinary reports on the implementation of the programs, plans and projects to develop the industry and trade sector in the local area according to the regulations of the Long An People's Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

18. Performing other duties assigned by the Long An People's Committee and in accordance with the law.

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