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  • Long An is prioritizing attracting 4 logistics projects with nearly 222 hectares

    Long An province is paying attention to promoting the development of logistics services into an important economic sector.

  • FDI flows in Vietnam forecast to boom this year

    Vietnam will experience a breakthrough in foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction to the fields of technology, renewable energy, health, banking and real estate, according to world media.

  • Vietnam to master mold manufacturing technology

    Mold manufacturing technology is a particularly important manufacturing industry, considered the foundation of modern industry, with the capability to create large quantities of products in a short time.

  • Long An in Top 10 provinces and cities with the highest PCI in 2022

    Long An had a spectacular breakthrough when it increased by 6 places to the position of Top 10 provinces and cities with the best provincial competitiveness index (PCI) in 2022 with 68.45 points.

  • Ministry proposes draft on cross-border trade

    The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) is seeking public comments on a legal draft amending Decree No. 14 on cross-border commercial activities.

  • Vietnam attracting Japanese investments to new areas

    Vietnam is striving to lure more Japanese investments to digital transformation and green growth, as recommended in the Vietnam-Japan Joint Initiative (VJI).

  • Long An creates favorable conditions to attract investment in the fields of clean and renewable energy

    Over the past time, the implementation of policies and laws on energy development by the Department of Science and Technology has been seriously implemented, contributing to good management of business activities of energy products and goods. in the province such as petrol, electricity...

  • Accompanying business community and diplomatic agencies

    On February 23, 2023, the Provincial Peoples Committee held a meeting between provincial leaders and diplomatic agencies, associations and businesses. This is an opportunity for provincial leaders to strengthen their cooperation and friendship between the province and foreign diplomatic missions; encourage enterprises to actively develop production and business.

  • Long An attracts 10 new projects in industrial zones

    Economic Zone Management Board of Long An reported that, since the beginning of 2023, industrial zones in the province have attracted investment in 10 new projects. In which, there are 7 foreign investment projects (FDI) and 3 domestic investment projects (DDI) with a total granted investment capital of 54.67 million USD and 165.33 billion VND, respectively. In addition, there are 11 capital adjustment projects, including 10 FDI and 1 DDI project.

  • Accompanying businesses and employees

    Since the end of 2022, due to the influence of global supply chain, many enterprises in processing wood, textiles, footwear, electronics, mechanics,etc in the province have had shortages and cut orders, resulting in many employees having their working hours reduced, labor contracts suspended or terminated, affecting their income and life. Facing that situation, trade unions at all levels actively monitor and grasp the situation of production, business and use of labor of enterprises to take timely support measures.

  • Philippine National Federation of Supply and Consumption Cooperatives visits and works in Long An

    On February 18, Vice Chairman in charge of the Provincial Cooperative Union - Tran Hoai Bao and representatives of leaders of departments and branches in the province had a meeting with the Philippine National Federation of Supply and Consumption Cooperatives delegation.

  • Seeking driving force for 2023 economic growth

    On the threshold of the New Year, economist Dr. Nguyen Dinh Cung, former director of the Central Institute for Economic Management, sums up the Vietnamese economy’s 2022 results and provides his forecast for 2023 growth.

  • Invest in traffic infrastructure to attract investment and develop smart and modern urban

    The urban space development plan of Ben Luc district up to 2030 will follow the model of an urban network and an urban chain in the corridor area of National Highway 1 with appropriate, synchronous and modern technical and social infrastructure.

  • Strong socio-economic recovery creates momentum for development

    In 2022, the socio-economic situation of Long An had a strong development. The economic growth rate reached 8.46%, ranking 5th out of 13 provinces and cities in Mekong Delta; economy ranked 12th in the country; State budget revenue reached nearly 22 trillion VND. This is a stepping stone and motivation for the province to complete all resolution targets of the term.

  • Industrial sector expands over 9% in 2022

    Viet Nams industrial sector grew by 9 percent in 2022, according to a report published on Monday by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT).

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