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Long An has 69 the One Commune One Product (OCOP) standard products
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Implementing the One Commune One Product (OCOP) program, by the end of 2022, the whole province of Long An has 69 products that meet OCOP standards, of which 26 are 4-star products and 43 are 3-star products.

Since the implementation of the OCOP Program, the typical products in the province have been known by many consumers and distributors. The program has contributed to the successful implementation of the new rural construction program in many localities; The subjects have actively completed the design and packaging, invested in equipment and machinery, expanded the production scale, and improved the product quality. Since then, many products have gradually asserted their position in the market with sales volume increased by 1.5-2 times compared to the uncertified OCOP products.

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One of 69 OCOP products of Long An province

Up to now, the OCOP One Commune One Product Program in the province has aroused the start-up movement for many cooperatives and farmers. Not only supporting in production and processing, the province's agriculture sector is also interested in supporting cooperatives and farmers to expand consumption markets for OCOP certified agricultural products./.


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