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Long An rose 6 places, re-entered the top 10 nationwide in terms of PCI 2022 ranking
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On the morning of April 11, 2023, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) held a ceremony to announce the ranking of the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI). by 2022 of 63 provinces and cities across the country.

According to the PCI 2022 results report, Quang Ninh province maintained the top position for the sixth year in a row with a score of 72.95 on a 100-point scale; second place is Bac Giang province with a score of 72.80; Hai Phong city holds the 3rd place with a score of 70.76. Long An province ranked 10th with a score of 68.45 points, up 6 places from position 16/63 of PCI 2021.


Top 30 provinces and cities with the best governance quality in PCI 2022

The current composite PCI index is calculated from the results of 142 indicators belonging to 10 sub-indices reflecting aspects of the quality of economic governance at the provincial level. Data on these indicators are obtained through surveying nearly 12,000 businesses in all 63 provinces and cities combined with data collection available published by ministries and sectors. A locality with a higher PCI score reflects a better quality of economic management, with the goal of facilitating business activities of the business community.

Besides, this year's PCI 2022 report is the first time that VCCI, USAID and private partners have introduced and announced the Provincial Green Index (PGI). This is a set of indicators to evaluate and rank environmentally friendly localities from the perspective of business practices such as the level of application of environmentally friendly technology by local businesses, the level of management and application of the environment. environmental treatment of businesses, the level of concern, willingness to invest in environmental issues of local governments and many other important environmental issues.


Ranking PGI 2022 as assessed by domestic private enterprises and FDI enterprises

However, according to VCCI, Vietnam is still in the early stages of green transition, so at the initial stage, the PGI 2022 can be considered as a set of indicators that allow assessment, measurement and development. compare policy progress in all four dimensions of environmental governance (4 sub-indices) and the overall index.



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