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Department of Industry and Trade held an intensive training conference for law enforcement agencies on e-commerce
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On November 17th, 2021, the Department of Industry and Trade cooperated with the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy to organize an intensive training conference for law enforcement agencies on e-commerce, attending the Conference of nearly 50 people representatives from the Market Management Department, the Provincial Police, the Department of Information and Communications, the Department of Industry and Trade and the economic, economic and infrastructure departments of districts, towns and cities.

To implement the Plan No. 1544/KH-UBND dated May 21st, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on e-commerce development in Long An province in 2021, the Department of Industry and Trade in collaboration with the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy organized the Conference offers in-depth training for law enforcement agencies on e-commerce. The conference took place on November 17th, 2021 at the online meeting room of the Provincial People's Committee. Attending the conference, Ms. Chau Thi Le - Deputy Director of the Department chaired, and attended by nearly 50 delegates from the Department of Market Management, Provincial Public Security, Department of Information and Communications, Department of Industry and Trade and the economic, economic and infrastructure departments of districts, towns and cities.

At the conference, Ms. Chau Thi Le - Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Trade said In the context of the recent COVID-19 epidemic, e-commerce has grown strongly, becoming a commonly used transaction method, choosing optimal for businesses as well as consumers. In Long An, the Long An Provincial E-commerce Index in 2021 ranks 13th out of 56 provinces and cities, up 5 places compared to 2020. In which, the business-to-consumer (B2C) transaction index 12th out of 56 provinces and cities; Business-to-business (B2B) transaction index ranks 14th out of 56 provinces.

Developing e-commerce has become an inevitable trend and increasingly occupies an important role in the economy because of its great benefits, especially in expanding markets, reducing production and business costs, improve distribution system, increase revenue, strengthen customer relationship... along with many other benefits for consumers and society. It can be affirmed that the application of e-commerce to find output markets for products and goods is one of the key solutions to improve the competitiveness of enterprises in our country in general, and Long An province in particular.

However, taking advantage of the development of e-commerce, on e-commerce websites, subjects commit acts of commercial fraud, tax evasion, transportation, trading in counterfeit goods, of unknown origin, origin ... Therefore, requesting functional agencies to strongly implement many measures to fight, prevent and sanction violations. The handling of violations strictly complies with the provisions of the law, ensuring deterrence; at the same time apply information technology, apply digital transformation; strengthen the coordination of sectors in the management of e-commerce activities.

 Mr. Nguyen Huu Tuan, Head of E-commerce Management Department, Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy shared useful content such as Legal corridor in e-commerce; Orient and share a number of activities to fight against counterfeiting and protect consumers in e-commerce; Procedures for inspection, examination and handling of violations in online business; Procedures, operations and methods of collecting, managing and storing information in violation of the law in online business in Vietnam./.


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