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Long An Department of Industry and Trade surveys fertilizer production enterprises, stabilizing market
Lượt xem: 26
On October 19, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Trade - Chau Thi Le had a meeting with two enterprises specializing in producing fertilizers and pesticides to survey production and implement solutions to stabilize the market of fertilizer. Leaders of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Market Surveillance, Duc Hoa district, some related departments joined the delegation.

On October 19, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Trade - Chau Thi Le had a meeting with two enterprises specializing in producing fertilizers and pesticides to survey production and implement solutions to stabilize the market of fertilizer. Leaders of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Market Surveillance, Duc Hoa district, some related departments joined the delegation.

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The delegation works at An Nong Group Co., Ltd

At A Chau Hoa Sinh Co., Ltd (Duc Hoa 3 Industrial Park - Hong Dat, Duc Hoa district), the company's leader said that it will suspend operations in July, August, and September due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. At the beginning of October, it started to operate again, but it was very difficult to buy raw materials for production because the price increased very high.

In which, raw materials for production of D.A.P fertilizer are very scarce and cannot be bought with money. Only in the first week after going into production of the month, the company massively produced and ran out of raw materials. Particularly for plant protection drugs, raw materials also increased, some types increased up to 200 percent but they are not too scarce.

According to the plan, in 2021, the company produces 500 tons of fertilizer, but since the beginning of the year, it has only produced 168 tons and the reserve of raw materials has gradually run out. For plant protection drugs, from the beginning of the year to now, the company has produced 2,200 tons out of the total plan of 3,000 tons this year. The company's product distribution system is in Long An and the Western provinces.

At a meeting with An Nong Group Co., Ltd (Hai Son Industrial Park, Duc Hoa district), a representative of this unit said that raw materials are currently scarce because Chinese suppliers push prices up. Since the beginning of the year, the company has produced over 500 tons of foliar fertilizer and over 28,000 liters of plant protection drugs. Currently, the company's plant protection products are being increased capacity to bring to the market.

Both companies said that the provincial government implemented early Covid-19 vaccination for workers and employees to help them quickly restore production. Currently, both companies do not have difficulties in terms of personnel, the only difficulty is in the source of raw materials for production.

Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Trade - Chau Thi Le highly appreciated the production organization of the enterprise after the Covid-19 epidemic and asked to continue implementing production activities on the principle of ensuring absolute safety for Covid-19 prevention and control. Enterprises continue to overcome difficulties, regulate the production and consumption of products in accordance with the situation so as not to interrupt or disrupt the supply of products for production, especially the upcoming Winter-Spring crop./.



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