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Main results of industrial and commercial activities in Long An Province, April 2020
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The index of industrial production development in April 2020 was estimated to decrease by 2.7% over the previous month, by 0.2% over the same period last year. Total retail sales of goods and services in April 2020 were estimated at VND 6,009.9 billion, down 15.5% over the previous month, down 19.5% over the same period.

On the industrial sector, the index of industrial production development in April 2020 was estimated to decrease by 2.7% over the previous month, by 0.2% over the same period last year. Accumulated 4 months of 2020 increased by 2.21% over the same period.

The number of industrial product groups in April 2020 was 75 groups, of which 35/75 groups had an increase over the same period and 40/75 groups decreased compared to the same period. The sectors with increased products such as: Fabrics made from rayon; Fertilizer production; Production of paint and varnishes ... Decreasing industries are mainly producing animal feed, bottled beer, mineral water, cigarettes, artificial silk yarn, synthetic fiber, producing adult clothes. not knitted or crocheted, producing bags, backpacks, producing plywood from wood, producing oil and grease, producing plastic packaging, producing cement components, producing iron and steel. finished products, manufacturing rods, rods of iron or non-alloy steel, manufacturing semiconductor devices, manufacturing distribution equipment and electric control ..     

In the field of commerce, total retail sales of goods and services in April 2020 were estimated at VND 6,009.9 billion, down 15.5% over the previous month, down 19.5% over the same period. Accumulated 4 months of 2020 is estimated at 29,440.1 billion, reaching 28.7% of the plan, down 0.7% over the same period.

The consumer price index in April 2020 decreased by 1.56% over the previous month and increased by 0.12% over December last year and by 3.46% over the same period last year. On average, in the first 4 months of 2020, it will increase by 5.23% over the same period.

In general, industrial production and total retail sales in April 2020 decreased compared to the previous month and decreased over the same period. Because the disease not only broke out in Asian countries but also in European and American countries, there was an outbreak of disease and the implementation of blockade in many places, low consumer demand, the order was delayed and canceled many leads to the situation of production and export of goods is facing a lot of difficulties. At the same time, in April 2020, the country implemented a social isolation, so the retail sales of goods and services in the province decreased sharply compared to the previous month, especially accommodation and catering services (down 57.5%) compared with the previous month).

According to information from businesses, in April and May, the industries started to suffer a lot, if the disease still breaks out in many countries in a long time, the economic damage will increase a lot because there is no market. consumption, import-export market will decrease, unemployment and working hours will increase./.


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